Financial Aid and Scholarships

Need-Based Financial Aid

For Qualifying Instrument and Voice Students

2025-2026 Financial Aid Timeline:

New & Returning instrument and voice students requesting aid, apply/reapply every year and pay a non-refundable $60 application fee. All necessary documentation for returning and new students must be received by May 15, 2025. Families who owe tuition from a previous year are not eligible for financial aid.

If you are interested in receiving information about Need-Based Financial Aid, please contact Registrar/Bursar Jyni Ekins at

Complete a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) online. Please visit our SSS school code #2847 when prompted. If you have technical questions, or need assistance in another language, please contact SSS directly (SSS phone # 1-800-344-8328).

Upload supporting financial documents directly to the Student & School Services (SSS) by NAIS school portal. Include both parent/guardians (if applicable) signed 2024 federal tax returns. We cannot process any financial aid applications without signed 2024 tax returns or proof of lack of income from both parents and/or guardians (If applicable).

Awards are subject to the availability of funds; therefore, for returning and new students, we must receive all necessary documentation by May 15, 2025. We will begin notifying applicants in early July 2025.

Not supplying this information in time may disqualify your child from being eligible to receive financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year.

If you have questions about the above, please contact

The Irving Caesar Music Scholarship (Grades 5 - 12)

Partial Tuition Scholarship for one Instrumental or Voice Student for one academic year.

Irving Caesar (1895-1996) was a well-known lyricist and composer best recognized for works including “Tea for Two” and “Animal Crackers in My Soup.” Caesar was a native New Yorker whose musical passion and talent led him to collaborate with artists such as George Gershwin, Rudolf Friml, and Gerald Marks. The Irving Caesar Lifetime Trust recognized The Diller-Quaile School of Music as an opportune place to provide young musicians with an excellent education through the Irving Caesar Music Scholarship.

2025-2026 School Year

application deadline: WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2025

audition date: MonDAY, June 2, 2025

To request an application, please contact Department Coordinator Jaana Kantola at Paper copies of the application are available at Diller-Quaile’s  front desk.

Repertoire Requirements: Two contrasting works or movements of intermediate level and above performed from memory.

Audition Requirements:

  • Ongoing students must submit their 2025-2026 application in advance of applying to audition.

  • Students who have enrolled/applied for comprehensive programs of instrumental or vocal study in grades five through twelve for the 2025-2026 academic year are eligible to apply.

  • New students or current students in good academic and administrative standing may audition.

  • Applications will be pre-screened for appropriate repertoire. Students who submit repertoire that is deemed too elementary will not be scheduled for an audition.

  • High School Certificate Program students are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

  • The recipient of the Irving Caesar Music Scholarship must maintain good academic standing in order to retain the award through the year. This includes strong attendance in all weekly comprehensive program elements – lesson, musicianship, and ensemble; and school performances.

  • This award may not exceed the annual tuition when combined with other awards.

Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. The decision of the audition committee is final.

If you have questions, please contact the Department Coordinator at

The Shirley Brown Lindsay Scholarship (Grades 10 – 12)

Partial Tuition Scholarship for one High School Certificate Program student for one academic year.

Shirley Brown Lindsay was the Director of The Diller-Quaile School of Music from 1976-1981. Diller-Quaile was one of the great loves of her life, as was the teaching of music to children.

2025-2026 School Year

Application Deadline: FriDAY, MAY 30, 2025

Audition Date: Monday, June 2, 2025

To request an application, please contact Department Coordinator Jaana Kantola at Paper copies of the application are available at Diller-Quaile’s  front desk.

Repertoire Requirements: Two contrasting works or movements performed from memory.

Audition Requirements:

  • Students must apply for this scholarship in order to be eligible.

  • Students who will be enrolled in the High School Certificate Program for the 2025-2026 academic year are eligible to apply and audition.

  • New students and current students in good academic and administrative standing may audition.

  • The student awarded this scholarship from the Shirley Brown Lindsay Scholarship Fund must maintain good academic standing in order to retain the award through the year.

  • This award may not exceed the annual tuition when combined with other awards.

Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. The decision of the audition committee is final.

If you have questions, please contact the Department Coordinator at

Financial Assistance FAQs

Q: Does the School offer financial assistance?

A: Yes, the School provides need-based financial aid. Financial Aid amounts are based on proven need as documented by both parents and/or guardians. Financial Aid Amounts are subject to the availability of funds; therefore, please submit your information as soon as possible. Priority is given to returning students and students who apply by the specified deadlines.

Note: we cannot process any financial aid applications without the tax returns or proof of lack of income from both parents and/or guardians. Not supplying this information in time may disqualify your child from being eligible to receive financial aid.

Q: I’m a new student. Can I apply for need-based financial aid?

A: Yes. To begin the financial aid application process, check “Yes” on the school’s Scheduling Form where it asks if you would like to receive information about need-based financial aid. There is a required application fee of $60 per applicant, per year. We will then send you a letter and email outlining the next steps to complete your financial aid application (submit PFS online, upload supporting financial documents).

Q: I’m a returning student and received aid last year. Do I need to re-apply?

A: Yes, you must apply for need-based aid for any year in which aid is being requested.

Q: What documentation will I need to submit to apply for need-based financial aid?

A: All families must complete the “Parents’ Financial Statement,” or PFS, online to and upload a signed copy of both parents’ and/or guardians’ 2022 Federal tax return to the SSS website. If you have questions, or need assistance in another language, please contact SSS (SSS phone # 1-800-344-8328)

Q: I have already applied for financial aid to my child’s other school/s. Do I need to complete the “PFS” form online again for Diller-Quaile?

A: No. However, you must request that SSS forward a summary to Diller-Quaile. Diller-Quaile’s SSS code number is 2847.

 Q: When can I expect to hear about financial aid awards?

A: The School will begin notifying financial aid applicants in early July.

If you have questions regarding need-based financial assistance, please contact the School at 212-369-1484.