We are now enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year. Below please find general policies, as well as policies specific to each department.

ACCESSIBILITY: The School facility is an Americans with Disabilities Act compliant building. Compliance measures include a ramp leading up to the front door, an elevator that serves all of the programmable floors, and a lift to the Performance Space.
BUILDING LOCATION AND HOURS: The School is located at 24 East 95th Street, between Madison and Fifth Avenues. Please visit www.diller-quaile.org for building hours.

BUILDING SAFETY: All students and families must wait in the lobby during class times and avoid sitting in stairwells or outside classrooms on the upper floors.  If the lobby becomes too full, our front office staff may ask those who have arrived early to step out and return closer to their child's start time.  

Keeping hallways clear ensures a calm, focused musical learning environment for students and faculty.  We gently urge families to arrive no early than 10 minutes prior to lesson times and to ensure that children are picked up promptly at dismissal time.  Students 10 years of age and younger must be supervised by parents or guardians while they are waiting for classes and/or lessons to begin.

CLASS CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS: The School reserves the right to change instructors or formats, or discontinue any class due to lack of enrollment, without incurring any liability or obligation. The School will notify students and/or parents as soon as possible regarding any changes or cancellations.

IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION AND FACILITY CLOSURE: In the event Diller-Quaile needs to close its facility for a period of time due to NYC, NYS and CDC recommendations, instruction will continue online.

STUDENT INFORMATION FORM: Parents/Guardians are required each year to complete a Student Information Form if their child is enrolled in in-person classes.

DISMISSAL: The School reserves the right to dismiss any student due to overdue tuition payments, parental noncompliance with School policies, or for any reason the Executive Director believes is a serious impediment to a successful educational experience at the School.

HEALTH & SAFETY: Diller-Quaile reserves the right to transition in whole or in part to online instruction if necessary for health and safety purposes.  Under such conditions, students and adults may be subject to health screening procedures for in-person programs as determined by the School and consistent with and subject to any NYS or NYC requirements.  Updates will be made available on our website when necessary.

PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT: By providing your payment information, you authorize The Diller-Quaile School of Music, Inc. to automatically charge the credit card or debit card (“Card”) on file for the payment of tuition, fees, and any other outstanding balances due for services provided. Charges will occur on the preset due dates as indicated on your account and may also be applied to close any outstanding balances.

You acknowledge that the Card on file will be automatically charged as follows:

  1. Scheduled Payments: Your Card will be charged automatically on the due dates specified in your payment plan or invoice.

  2. Outstanding Balances: In the event of any outstanding balance, your Card may be charged automatically to bring your account current, without additional notice.

You agree to ensure that your payment information is kept current and valid. If the Card on file is declined, you will be notified and must provide an alternative payment method to avoid any disruptions to services.

This authorization will remain in effect until you notify The Diller-Quaile School of Music, Inc. in writing to remove or update your Card information. You may update your payment method at any time by contacting our administrative office.

By submitting payment details, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of these terms.

EXTENDED PAYMENT PLANS: Families of students receiving financial aid are automatically enrolled in an extended payment plan on the tuition balance due. Other families may request an extended payment plan at the time of their enrollment; additional fees may be charged. Contact the Registrar/Bursar Jyni Ekins at jekins@diller-quaile.org for information.


For Qualifying Instrument and Voice Students

2025-2026 Financial Aid Timeline:

New & Returning instrument and voice students requesting aid, apply/reapply every year and pay a non-refundable $60 application fee. All necessary documentation for returning and new students must be received by May 15, 2025. Families who owe tuition from a previous year are not eligible for financial aid.

Select “Yes” on the Diller-Quaile Scheduling Form to find out more about need-based financial aid. We will contact you.  You may also email Registrar/Bursar Jyni Ekins at jekins@diller-quaile.org if you are interested in receiving information about Need-Based Financial Aid.

Complete a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) online. Please visit http://sssbynais.org  Enter our SSS school code #2847 when prompted. If you have technical questions, or need assistance in another language, please contact SSS directly (SSS phone # 1-800-344-8328).

Upload supporting financial documents directly to the Student & School Services (SSS) by NAIS school portal. Include both parent/guardians (if applicable) signed 2024 federal tax returns. We cannot process any financial aid applications without signed 2024 tax returns or proof of lack of income from both parents and/or guardians (If applicable).

Awards are subject to the availability of funds; therefore, for returning and new students, we must receive all necessary documentation by May 15, 2025. We will begin notifying applicants in early July 2025.

Not supplying this information in time may disqualify your child from being eligible to receive financial aid for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you have questions about the above, please contact jekins@diller-quaile.org.

LATE PAYMENT: A late payment charge of 2% on any overdue balance, per month, will be assessed on accounts that are 30 days or more in arrears. If an account is 30 days or more delinquent, The Diller-Quaile School of Music Business Office may advise parents that their child or children will not be permitted to attend classes or may be dismissed from the School until the account is placed on a current basis. Further, Diller-Quaile retains the right to collect the full unpaid tuition balance even if the student is not attending classes or is dismissed due to non-payment of tuition.

MISSED LESSONS AND CLASSES: Individual lessons missed due to teacher absences will be made up at the earliest possible date. The School is unable to provide make-up lessons and classes due to student absences.

MUSIC & MATERIALS: Students will be billed for music and materials as needed. Payment is due within 30 days of the date of the bill.

PAYMENT: Payment of tuition can be made by credit card, check, or money order. The School does not accept cash for tuition payments.  

RETURNED CHECKS: There is a $30 fee for all returned checks.

PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO RELEASE: By registering for lessons and/or classes, by participating in Diller-Quaile programs, or by attending in-person or virtual events, parents and students, and other adults accompanying students, grant permission for photographs, videos, and other images of him/herself/themselves—or of his/her/their child—to be used by The Diller-Quaile School of Music for publicity purposes, and to illustrate Diller-Quaile programs. These images will not be distributed, sold, or used beyond Diller-Quaile’s promotional or in-school curriculum and professional development activities. 

SCHOOL BUILDING CLOSINGS DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS: Diller-Quaile’s facility is closed for snow or inclement weather when the New York City public schools close. Listen to NY1, or WINS 1010AM for announcements. Families can also visit www.diller-quaile.org or call the School’s main telephone number (212-369-1484, ext. 0) to hear a recorded message regarding closings. The School will make every effort to to provide a makeup lesson or class.

STROLLERS: Strollers are not permitted in the School building and must be placed in front of the building in an orderly manner not blocking pedestrian traffic or in front of neighbors’ homes. The School is not responsible for strollers left outside the School.


Early Childhood Department 2025-2026

FEES: There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $30 application fee per new or returning student, per semester. There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $60 application fee per new or returning student, if the student is enrolled in a full 30-week academic year program.

ENROLLMENT: To enroll in classes, visit www.diller-quaile.org. Should you need assistance please email mcurry@diller-quaile.org. No child may apply if any member of their family has an outstanding balance with the School. 

TUITION: The Early Childhood Department follows a semester calendar and enrollment schedule, with the exception of full 30-week programs. Each semester is 15 (fifteen) weeks in length. Students may enroll in one or two semesters in a full 30-week academic year, which commences in September. commencing in September 2025. See course descriptions for trimester dates and tuitions.  

Tuition must be received at the time of online enrollment for semester classes or before the student’s first class.

For any student starting after the first week of the semester, or first week of school if enrolled in a full 30 week program, a prorated tuition is applied and due in full prior to the student’s first class.

While students may enroll one semester at a time, the School does not reserve places in upcoming semesters for currently enrolled students. Enrollment is offered on a first come, first served basis.

The Young Twos Program (child only program, held two mornings per week) and the Preschool Program (child only program, held two mornings per week) follow a full 30-week academic year calendar commencing in September 2025 and concluding in May 2026. See course descriptions for more information. Tuition is payable to the School in full at the time of online enrollment; or families may pay in installments. Under the installment plan, 50% of tuition is payable at time of enrollment and prior to August 1, 2025. The 50% tuition balance is due August 1, 2025. If a student enrolls after August 1, 2025, the entire tuition is due at time of enrollment. Tuition will be prorated if a student enrolls after the start of the school year and is due in full before the student’s first class.

LATE PAYMENT: If paying in installments, failure to make the first payment by the due date may result in losing a place in the class. If the second payment is not made by the specified due date, the School’s late payment policy will apply. If paying in installments, full tuition is due by the date indicated in the installment plan whether the student remains enrolled for the full trimester or not.

WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS: The Early Childhood Department’s courses are 15 weeks in length, with the exception of full 30-week programs. For classes 15 weeks in length, tuition is due prior to the first class session. There is a $100 withdrawal fee if the student withdraws more than a week in advance of their first in-person class. There is a 50% tuition refund if a student withdraws within one week or less of the class start date. Written notification with reason for withdrawal must be submitted to the Director of the Early Childhood Program and Registrar/Bursar. No refunds are given once the semester begins, including on the day of the first class.

For the Young Twos Program and the Preschool Program, which are 30 weeks in length, 100% of the tuition is due by August 1, 2025. There is a 50% tuition refund if a student withdraws on or before August 1, 2025. Written notification with reason for withdrawal must be submitted to the Director of the Early Childhood Program and Registrar/Bursar. No refunds are given after August 1, 2025.

For all other 30-week classes, 100% of the tuition is due upon enrollment. There is a 50% tuition refund if a student withdraws on or before August 1, 2025. Written notification with reason for withdrawal must be submitted to the Director of the Early Childhood Program and Registrar/Bursar. No refunds are given after August 1, 2025.

Instrumental and Vocal Department 2025-2026

FEES: There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $60 application fee per new or returning student, per year. No application will be processed and no lesson or class will be scheduled until the $60 fee is received. There is a $175 Technology & Facilities Fee for students enrolled in Core, Full, and Extended Programs. There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $300 High School Solo/Senior Recital Fee for each student performing a Solo Recital. There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $200 fee for students performing Suzuki Book Recitals.

ENROLLMENT CONTRACT: Students apply during the spring and early summer months for the school year beginning that fall. A signed enrollment contract must be received for each student 18 years of age or younger. No student may apply if any member of their family has an outstanding balance with the School.

TUITION: Tuition is the same for in-person and online instruction. Students generally enroll for a full 30-week academic year of individual and/or class instrumental or vocal instruction, commencing in September 2025. Tuition is payable to the School in full by August 1, 2025 (except if stated otherwise in the contract); or families may pay in installments. Under the installment plan, 50% of tuition is payable by August 1 (or the date stated in the contract), and 50% by November 1. For signed contracts due after August 1, 2025, 50% tuition is due by the date stated on the contract and 50% of tuition is due by November 1, 2025. Signed contracts must accompany the initial tuition payment. Additionally, students may enroll in summer lessons and the extended year program. See https://diller-quaile.org/iv-overview for more information.

WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS: Written notification of withdrawal and request for refund must be submitted to the Director of Instrumental and Vocal Programs and Registrar/Bursar. Informing the teacher, either in writing or verbally, of intent to withdraw—or absenteeism—is not considered notice of withdrawal. Refunds for withdrawals will be made when written notification is received, as follows:

Individual Instrument and Vocal Instruction for students enrolled in Comprehensive Programs: 
•     14 days or more before the first lesson or class, tuition paid will be refunded minus a $100 withdrawal fee.
•     Less than 14 days before the first lesson or class, a $200 withdrawal fee will be charged.
•     On the day of or after the first lesson or class, the student will receive a prorated refund for the unattended lessons minus a $300 withdrawal fee.
•     There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the sixth week.

Class-Only Instruction for students enrolled in classes of 16 weeks or more: 
•     14 days or more before the first class, tuition paid will be refunded minus a $50 withdrawal fee.
•     Less than 14 days before the first class, a $100 withdrawal fee will be charged.
•     On the day of or after the first class, the student will receive a prorated refund for the unattended classes minus a $150 withdrawal fee.
•    There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the sixth week.

Class-Only Instruction for students enrolled in programs of 15 weeks or less: 
•     14 days or more before the first class, tuition paid will be refunded minus a $50 withdrawal fee.
•     Less than 14 days before the first class, a $75 withdrawal fee will be charged.
•     On the day of or after the first class, the student will receive a prorated refund for the unattended classes minus a $100 withdrawal fee.
•     There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the sixth week.

Individual Instrument and Vocal Lesson Instruction for High School Students - Full Year Enrollment or Semester Enrollment
•     14 days or more before the first lesson, tuition paid will be refunded minus a $50 withdrawal fee.
•     Less than 14 days before the first lesson, a $100 withdrawal fee will be charged.
•     On the day of or after the first lesson, the student will receive a prorated refund for the unattended lessons minus a $150 withdrawal fee.
•     There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the sixth week of enrollment.

Adult Department 2025-2026

Adult Individual Instruction:

FEES: There is a non-refundable, non-deductible $60 application fee for Adult Individual Instrument or Vocal Instruction, per student, per year.

TUITION DISCOUNTS: Adults (age 60 and over) receive a 15% tuition discount off the cost of individual lessons. The lifelong learner discount is not applicable to group instruction.

ENROLLMENT CONTRACT: Students may enroll for five lessons, on a per semester basis, or for the full school year of individual instrumental or vocal instruction commencing in September 2025. A signed enrollment contract must be received for each adult student enrolled in individual instrumental or vocal instruction. Adult students acknowledge their obligation to pay the tuition as specified in the contract by the due date(s) set forth in the contract. No student may apply if any member of their family has an outstanding balance with the School.

TUITION: Diller-Quaile’s school year is a 30-week program. A semester is 15 weeks in length. If enrolling for the full school year, the first half of tuition is due on August 1, 2025 (or at time of registration if registering after August 1) and the second half is due on January 10, 2026. If enrolling on a semester basis, tuition is due in advance of each semester—tuition for the first semester is due August 1, 2025; tuition for the second semester is due January 10, 2026. If enrolling for five lessons, tuition is due prior to the first lesson.

Tuition is prorated for students enrolling after the semester or school year has started. If a student enrolls for more than 15 weeks of lessons or classes after the first week of lessons/classes has begun but before January 10, 2026, tuition is payable in two equal payments. The first half of tuition is due prior to the first lesson/class, and the second half is due on January 10, 2026. If a student enrolls after January 10, 2026, then the total prorated tuition is due prior to the first lesson/class.

WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS: Written notification of withdrawal and request for refund must be given to both the Director of Instrumental Programs and Registrar/Bursar. Informing only the Instructor, either in writing or verbally, of intent to withdraw—or absenteeism—is not considered notice of withdrawal. Refunds for withdrawals will be made when written notification is received, as follows:

Adult Individual Instrument and Vocal Instruction, Full Year Enrollment, Semester Enrollment, Lesson-Only Registration:
•     14 days or more before the first lesson, tuition paid will be refunded minus a $50 withdrawal fee.
•     Less than 14 days before the first lesson, a $100 withdrawal fee will be charged.
•     On the day of or after the first lesson, the student will receive a prorated refund for the unattended lessons minus a $150 withdrawal fee. There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the sixth week. 

Adult Chamber Music Program: 

For Adult Chamber Music Workshops and the Camerata Program, please visit https://diller-quaile.org/chamber-music-programs or contact hchen@diller-quaile.org to obtain program schedule.