
Teacher Development workshops

Early Childhood Music

Diller-Quaile offers online and in-person Early Childhood Music Education workshops for Music Teachers and Early Childhood Professionals. Please see below for workshops descriptions, and to enroll in upcoming sessions.

We are also happy to work with you to develop a customized group workshop for your school or center, which can be conducted at Diller-Quaile, at your school or center in the New York City area, or online.

New York State CTLE

Diller-Quaile's teacher development programs have been approved for Continuing Teacher and Leader (CTLE) by the New York State Education Department.


Diller-Quaile offers NYCDOE Professional Learning Services in the Arts. These programs include group workshops, individual mentoring, and work towards The Diller-Quaile School of Music Certificate in Early Childhood Music.

NYCDOE Contract #: QR1180G, Vendor Code: DIL020000

Please contact Caroline Moore at to inquire about group workshops, CTLE or professional development documentation, and Professional Learning Services in the Arts.

Workshop Registration and Payment

Select your desired workshop from below, and enter your contact information and payment details. Please note: the form may prompt you to enter a password. If you are a Music for All Library Member, you may use your Library login information; if you are not a member, enter a password of your choice. Zoom links for online workshops will be sent out the day prior to the event to the email you submit with your registration.

All workshops, unless otherwise noted, are $25.00 per registrant.

2024-2025 Teacher Development Workshops (ONLINE)

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET – Musical Development of Children, ages 3-5

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET – Circle Games and Dances

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET - Singing with Young Children

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET – Musical Instruments in the Early Childhood Classroom

SELECT: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET – Music for Infants and Babies

SELECT: Wednesday, April 9th, 2025 @ 2:00-3:00pm ET – Music for Toddlers and Twos

Professional Learning Services in the Arts

Diller-Quaile offers Professional Learning Services in the Arts. These programs include group workshops, individual mentoring, and work towards The Diller-Quaile School of Music Certificate in Early Childhood Music. Diller-Quaile's teacher development programs have been approved for Continuing Teacher and Leader (CTLE) by the New York State Education Department. Please contact for more information.

NYCDOE Contract #: QR1180G, Vendor Code: DIL020000

1-Hour Workshops

Musical Development of Children, ages 3-5

This research-based overview of the stages of the young child’s musical development will enable you to better create, implement, and assess age-appropriate musical activities for your classroom. We will discuss aural, pitch, and rhythmic development, social-emotional development, and physical development as seen in locomotor and nonlocomotor activity, and also in the playing of musical instruments.

Singing with Young Children

Adults and children alike respond to beautiful singing – children especially connect with their world through their own songs and vocal explorations. In this workshop, we will discuss how young children use their voices, as we explore our own voices through activities that bring more singing into our daily classroom routines. Come and learn more songs for circle time, rest, transitions, and of course, music time.

Circle Games and Dances

Young children develop their musical skills through action, movement, and play. Come and learn some traditional and new circle games, dances, and dramatic play activities for the early childhood classroom. We’ll sing, move, play instruments, and have a wonderful time.

Musical Instruments in the Early Childhood Classroom

Even a simple drum can create a stimulating musical activity in your classroom. Come and learn ways to integrate the instruments that you may already have in your school into your daily activities, and also have a chance to try some new musical instruments from around the world.

Music for Infants and Babies

This workshop prepares early childhood professionals to plan and implement age-appropriate music experiences for infants and babies in group care settings. Rooted in principles of child development and musical development, this hands-on course pairs exploration of repertoire with discussion of and practice with teaching techniques for infants and babies.

Music for Toddlers and Twos

This workshop prepares early childhood professionals to plan and implement age-appropriate music experiences for toddlers and two-year-olds in group care settings. Rooted in principles of child development and musical development, this hands-on course pairs exploration of repertoire with discussion of and practice with teaching techniques for increasingly mobile young children.

Musical Dramatic Play

Come celebrate your students’ natural propensity for making music, by expanding your comfort and abilities in facilitating joy-filled, story-telling experiences. The world of make-believe is the perfect setting for young children to learn, explore their musical abilities, and experience music-making with their peers.

Music and Pre-Literacy

The course explores music experiences that help to support pre-literacy goals in the early childhood classroom. Participants will explore musical books and storytelling, the introduction of pictorial representation, and the use of music to develop understandings of story concepts.

Music for Classroom Management

This collaborative workshop will focus on the creative use of musical activities to facilitate easier classroom transitions. Through musicalizing the difficult daily moments that occur in the early childhood day, you can better manage classroom flow, create positive learning environments, and turn potentially frustrating scenarios into fun, artistic experiences. A wide variety of activities and techniques will be shared, and participating teachers will have the opportunity to develop their management skills in an interactive format.

Integrating Recorded Music into the Early Childhood Classroom

This hands-on workshop focuses on the effective use of recorded music within early childhood music activities and to support the development of listening skills. Topics will include selection and best practices for presentation in the classroom.

Music for Children with Disabilities and Special Needs

This hands-on workshop will focus on best practices for selection, implementation, and adaptation of PreK music activities that successfully include every child in your classroom, and provide positive peer interactions and beautiful music-making for all. A range of disabilities and special needs will be addressed.

Making Music Without a Music Room

This workshop focuses on developing practical and musical solutions to overcome classroom space and materials limitations. Great music making can occur in most any classroom or day care setting, with the right preparation.

Multi-Hour Workshops

The Ukulele Workshop

In this four-session workshop, you will learn the basics of how to independently accompany songs on your own ukulele, enabling you to create or enhance a musical activity for your students on a moment’s notice. Participation in all four sessions of the workshop is recommended in order to build proficiency. This workshop is designed for the total beginner, no experience or previous musical training required, although those who have played ukulele before are encouraged to attend.

Singing for the Classroom

In this four-session workshop, you will develop your singing voice, and learn the tools that you need to sing beautifully with your students. Participation in all four sessions of the workshop is recommended in order to build singing skills. This workshop is designed for the total beginner, no experience or previous musical training required, although those who are accomplished singers are also encouraged to attend.

The Recorder Workshop

In this four-session workshop, you will learn the basics of how to play the soprano recorder, enabling you to create or enhance a musical experience for the students in your class. Participation in all four sessions of the workshop is recommended in order to build proficiency. This workshop is designed for the total beginner, no experience or previous musical training required, although those who have played recorder before are encouraged to attend.

The Percussion Workshop

In this four-session workshop, you will learn the basics of how to play various percussion instruments, enabling you to create or enhance a musical experience for the students in your class. Participation in all four sessions of the workshop is recommended in order to build proficiency. This workshop is designed for the total beginner, no experience or previous musical training required, although those who have played percussion before are encouraged to attend.

Music Teaching Seminar

This teaching practicum focuses on the development of strong music teaching technique for PreK environments. This course involves group sessions, practice teaching, self-assessment, and feedback from expert instructors.

Music Literature and Curriculum Development for 3K and PreK Classrooms

This course focuses on the selection and presentation of beautiful age-appropriate repertoire for the PreK classroom. Selected repertoire and teaching practice directly align with the Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Music.

The Piano Workshop

In this four-session workshop, you will develop your understanding of how to include piano in daily music sessions, enabling you to create or enhance a musical experience for the students in your class. Participation in all four sessions of the workshop is recommended in order to build proficiency. This workshop is designed for the total beginner, no experience or previous musical training required, although those who have played percussion before are encouraged to attend.

Diller-Quaile’s teacher development courses are approved for Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) by the New York State Education Department.