NAME: DEREKINSTRUMENTS AT DQ: Violin and ViolaCOLLEGE: Yale University COLLEGE MAJOR: Philosophy and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
I credit my experience at Diller-Quaile almost entirely for providing me with what will surely be a life-long love of music. Through my courses in composition, theory, and performance—both as a soloist and in ensembles—I have learned how to listen to others carefully, to persevere, and to have great attention to detail. At Yale, I have continued making music as a violinist in Yale’s pop orchestra, the Davenport Pops, and as a volunteer with Music Haven, a program that provides free instrumental lessons to public middle school students. I continue to enjoy making music with my peers, sharing music with others, and witnessing its power to create community and shape character. Rather than any distinct memories, what stands out most about my 15 years at Diller-Quaile is the welcoming and supportive community. I remain in touch with many of the friends I met at Diller-Quaile, and greatly appreciate the extraordinary time, effort, and skill that my wonderful teachers invested in my education.